
Premium industrial chemicals, maintenance and safety supplies.  We have over 30 years of experience serving the industry.  Why use CUSTOM CLS?  Because our products work and we keep Americans working!  Most all of our products are American made!  Don't forget to ask about Daily Promotions, Bogo and Dollar Day Sales!
Brand New Products!  Really bring in that "OMG" factor!!!
Laundry Detergent!
Scented with the new and popular Spring Rain!!

Code: 208

​​​​​​​Also non scented!

Code: 207

If you do not see what you are looking for, we just might have it!  Call us and ask!  Due to the rapidly changing market values, we are constantly updating our website.  Please contact CUSTOM CLS to discuss products and or SPECIAL PRICING.  Phone: 484-483-7530